Article & News

LE SUCRE, la poudre blanche légale

Les différents noms du sucre Liste non exhaustive d’appellations pour le sucre ajouté aux produits transformés. Caramel* Dextran Dextrose Diastase Éthyl-maltol Extrait sec de glucose

Body Carce carcinogenic

When we lather up in the shower or apply skin cream to our face, we think we are using something that is healthy for us.

Binge eating

I often see people offering up techniques to battle binge urges. I’d like to pose a new question: “How can we eliminate binge urges *without*


🌞☀️🌞with weather heating up, it’s really important that you avoid ingredients such as PEG, phenoxyethanol and oxybenzone when making sunscreen choices: ✖️✖️✖️polyethylene glycol (PEG) is found


Do you love yourself enough? ❤️ The way you love yourself is the way the rest of the world loves you. And this is key